Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Jazzmin Flush (82)

   "Jazzmin Flush (82)"
    Merlin Pope smoked a little dope; alas, meeker, performance-enhanced, and cosmically philosophical; regardless, he was still Mister Merlin Pope, and may no medicine ever alter those feline eyes, or that potent John Wayne swagger of mouth, or his cat-like dexterity to dodge and defy the angel of death--on his own tenacious terms too.
   Okay, okay--yes!  Jazzmin Flush, as a young female and very incarnate--had physical attraction to the creepy dude, cause she knew he had uncanny OCD and was meticulously clean.  The guy would not tolerate jungle rot, burning incense over the area, and igniting the neutral angels through reverent invocation to heal his affected dermis.  True, genuine ladies--like clean guys, and, they can be bad boys with feline eyes.  Thus, Jazzmin Flush was physically curious, smitten, and yet as a hard-core, underground Catholic, repulsed by Mister Merlin Pope.
  They sat on the levitation train together, reaching Oregon northwards; plus, the quack of ducks and blazers never trailing, fueled by the fire of the Holy Spirit--and Jazzmin hoped she was too; verily indeed, wherever this weird adventure was leading, if she ended up in bed with Pope; next, she'd probably kill herself, and it would kill Thomas too.