Friday, June 16, 2017
Kooky Lucy Frost (12)
"Kooky Lucy Frost (12)"
Kooky Lucy Frost and Cleveland were in high cotton as the Boll weevils say way down below her city of Buffalo--her now loving and accepting that she lived with Pap; specifically, his charity, faith; plus, hoping against hopelessness, which meant having hope in her.
As she finished her jog, only having to dodge two hot guys on the asphalt ballet part of the suburban sprawl, her high anxiety demanding it, yet she was outside, not letting fear have total victory, even though she knew the whole freaking world was like the STAR WARS cantina, but calmed herself, knowing Obi-Wan Kenobi walked among the true human race.
As she entered Pap's and her new house, Cleveland went straight for his bowl of purified water, and Lucy drank some too, but out of a bottle, of course--Pap was sitting in the den, burning a cherry, and blowing smoke rings like Gandalf the Grey. When Cleveland and her were finished with hydration, they entered the den, both sitting on the couch, Pap smiling, and intrinsically knowing she needed more calming information.
As a result of his fearing God, Pap said to his lovely Lucy: "The Old Testament is weak compared to the New Testament, for Jesus kicked it up a notch. Now, we have to follow His Laws; plus, that of His Father's. But He speaks from the Old Testament, King David knowing to bless the Lord with all his soul, and all that is within him, which is God. And Jesus saying that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. You see Lucy, there are truths outside of you. But if you allow God and the angels and saints to dwell within, you will make many friends. The Protestants don't understand that Jesus has a family. A family that does the Will of God. And that sometimes a saint or angel can help. Jesus is the Savior, but there are those that heard His Sacred Heart; moreover, those that fed Him their blood and Holy Spirit, while He was inside Her--I'm talking the Virgin Mary: Theotokos. Jesus has friends, and He wants His friends to be your friends. So, just put it all inside of you--the Holy Family, and let it dwell there with effulgent radiance."
Lucy grinned. It was already beginning for her. And Cleveland licked his chops, knowing even the Orthodox Saints loved tame dogs.