Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Virgin Mary--Always Remembered

   "Virgin Mary--Always Remembered"
   The Inviolate Virgin said:  "For He took notice of His lowly servant girl, and now all generations shall call Me blessed."  In physics, you might call this super-positioning, which is, being in many places at once.  And how can the Queen of Heaven not do this?  If She comes to you, a Priest might say that you are not special enough, but it's always the rejected stone that becomes the true cornerstone.  She can do anything She wants as deemed by God, and God loves the underdog, the poor in spirit, the meek--those that thirst for righteousness, following His Son's Laws, and His.   Mary's Words:  "Do as My Son says."
   My favorite story I investigated took place in Ireland.  There was a Virgin Mary statue at the park and angst-ridden adolescents were fornicating, drinking, uttering profane vulgarities and so on; anyway, they claimed that after their illicit behavior, the Virgin Mary statue became animated and beat the tar out of them.  But nobody believes in anything save the dollar, a false god that many worship.
   The fake news is that fame and wealth make you great; plus, status, but the child with no arms who praises Jesus Christ seems like the cornerstone.  The true architect of constructing courage and determination in the downtrodden.