Sunday, June 25, 2017

Zany, Mercurial Ode To Saint Raphael

   "Zany, Mercurial Ode To Saint Raphael"

Bishop Sheen asks:  "Have you ever seen an angel with a beard?"
Thus, you only get into Heaven with a clean shave; hence, on cheekbones--shaving cream smeared;
Next, know that lovely and laughing Saint Raphael has a frequency around 600 THz,
Laughing at first if it hurts when you have a kidney stone and have to make a pee;
Alas, be not mad at the flux of ill,
For sickness makes Saints out of those that repent and follow His Will;
Indeed, the wavelength of love is a green light away,
If you continue to fast, mortify them senses, and without ceasing pray,
For greater love hath no man
Than to lay down his life--that is a Heavenly plan,
And my hand is a yarborough, being a perfect 8--
What you sow is what you reap--this is the meaning of futurity's fate--
If you give, you receive; moreover, death is not the mystery fella,
Life's the mystery, so let go with the purple of a perennial herb known as gentianella
And use the Source of ALL Consolation,
Don't make a sick soul's heart go quacking--
Feel with the conscience as did Tobias assisted by compulsive washing and an angel dog--
A Fool Card with Saint Raphael blurting:  "Catch the fish, for you are not a filthy hog."
So clean your feet and bury the dead,
Or burn them to ash and let the Phoenix rise instead;
Regardless, keep on trucking like Old School days,
When family was loved and not thrown into the oblivious haze
Of not having a hand to hold or a Priest for a visit,
And a dog to pet; plus, to sit outside in the summer and hear a frog go:  "Ribbit."
Nature is splendor beyond your smart phone
That you xertz information with, as you are the one truly alone.
Be like God, and know when every sparrow does fall,
And not even in your riches will you be ornamented as beautiful as a goldfinch, or be as tall
As the HIGHTOWER you need to find
In order to redesign,
Unlearning what you've learned,
For death is knocking babe, and how will you want to be treated during your turn? 
So love hope and all its wackadoodle craze,
Then marvel at Eucharistic Adoration, and escape your self-seeking maze--  
We all will need the laughter of Saint Raphael one day,
For Christ has a family, and being part of His family is the only way . . .