Sunday, June 25, 2017
Kooky Lucy Frost (21)
"Kooky Lucy Frost (21)"
Kooky Lucy Frost was dancing around the house while Pap was at the dandy barber getting his silver fox shaped. She was listening to the theme song of THE JEFFERSONS, knowing they were singing that "beans don't burn in the kitchen; beans don't fry on the grill--took a whole lotta turning, just ta get up dat hill" or something; regardless, she was enjoying her earliest memories; next, opened the kitchen drawer to get a fork for her nicely tossed salad, and found a turkey baster--she freaked. All she could think about was Thanksgiving and gravy. Cousin Stevie telling her all those years ago that seminal fluid was gravy. That a man's genitalia made dark, stinky gravy. She threw-up a little in her mouth, began to compulsively wash her hands; next, water-boarded herself in the kitchen sink till her mouth, throat, and some lung tissue were all cleansed. Her face was red, and her hands shaking. After a minute of hearing her own erratic heartbeat, the phone rang, and she immediately knew there are no coincidences in life--it had to be Cousin Stevie. She answered the land-line, for she had no cell phone as EMFs freaked her out. It was Cousin Stevie.
I hear ya moved in with Pap ya fruitcake. Remember that time I got dry-humped by the Democrat dude?
Kooky Lucy Frost hung up the phone, got on her knees and said a Hail Mary for all the polluted people. Then, she took her anti-psychotic and laid on the couch alongside a tail-wagging Cleveland.