Sunday, June 18, 2017
Kooky Lucy Frost (14)--fight to the end, wussy
"Kooky Lucy Frost (14)--fight to the end, wussy"
Kooky Lucy was unique. Not like the masses of the proud and self-impressed. She was not an island unto them; on the contrary, she was a sub-continent of survival. And she knew it, deep down, like the brats craving a cervix' blunt pain to remind them of a molesting father or molesting Internet.
Pap greeted Lucy, along with a tail-wagging Cleveland as she entered HER house. They exchanged pleasantries; next, Pap took a seat with her, sparked a cherry, let the purifying smoke cleanse his internal aspects, and exhaled his prayers to the celestial heavens--life is bigger than your pride, boy.
He went on to tell her about Grandma. How the physician of God, Saint Raphael has a sense of humor. How Grandma was never a burden. If a sick person becomes a burden; then, the axiom wends your way, meaning: YOU ARE THE SICK PERSON!
Said he wouldn't have her in a monkey-blooded nursing home, where you get bloody enemas, no love, no sacrifice, as the workers are paid to kill--Bounty Hunters for the disabled. Unless it is Nun Nurses--the real ones, that get none, but give all. There is beauty in ugliness. The Greatest beauty, while those full of pride and arrogance, crafting forked-tongued fraud, do so for their own elation.
Pap further went to say being sick is a blessing--if you repent and get your selfish act in order; on the other hand, if you blame God, or say it is too difficult, He will allow you to know that you are a bestial brat, monkey-blooded, and easily cloned.
"So, Grandma gave me headaches. Why make life easy? Hell comes easy. Heaven doesn't."