Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Smok'n Vision Of Tom Aquinas

   As always, my books:  King's Books!
   Pope Benedict was weirdly wise waywards as his fade into the cosmic black of nothingness, like a Church Window politely surrendering to wax on and wax off, gleaming the cure of a nasty mire, offering up the benevolent charm of Pope Francis, swift with the stampede of a zillion ignorant Nations, offering the solution of solace on TWITTER, bolding beyond the beauty of JP the 2nd igniting MARY as the Co-Remdemptrix--which should'a been; regardless, Pope Benedict was vociferously known to interrogatively boast towards the near direction of humble, ascetic underlings:  "Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?" This is the infinite formation of Truths in the Megaverse.
  Verily, Christ had no pie in the face for Pilate as Mel Gibson offered up a fondness for Ezra Pound, me too, but the guilt of the most insidious evil against mankind--the foulest and nastily toxic state of German hysteria trumping Luther's uncool and uncouth transformation of Jesus the Christ into the intellectual rabble of the salacious Saint Paul. The Gospels outshine all the rest--no matter!  Christ is the only positive demi-god mentioned in the entire Bible--let me think, I'm intoxicated, oh yeah--it's true.  Alas, Gilgamesh was 2/3 god, usurping the spiritual anatomy of the Abrahamic God in fanatically forging Christ; still, no other demi-god would humble themselves to the pussy of the Cross--and it isn't.   Jesus stupefied Nietzsche, and with sublime intent, inflicting upon Himself the shame of Creation, for He did it--He was the Hebrew God Incarnate, the most powerful of all the gods; as a result, He buried it deep inside His celibate self, offering up spiritual castration for His own reeking flesh and His Immaculate Mother, denouncing the demonic dance of carnal play for the thunder of asceticism, fasting till serpents in the wicked desert, doing the combative dance with the Devil himself--Jesus be awesome, and Oh My God--is Tebow Right?

   Regardless, Thomas Aquinas was transported or teleported into 1977, within the confines of a movie theater . . .