Saturday, January 23, 2016

Existence Womb (48)

   "Existence Womb (48)"
Luke, the Divine Doctor of things both sweetly sublime and monstrously macabre
Gave Miriam's extracted implant to an iniquitous spook, a past tense friend, with a happy nod--
The dumb shit would be in Helena and American unIntelligence, pondering her next move,
Though Cards trump Chess with a Metasymbology-infused groove;
Alas, Luke would put the spooks of his haunted yesteryear far, far behind,
Relying on being cunning; plus exile--as Joyce claimed:  "A bard's weapons of the mind."
Though no bard, yet a physician of freaks,
Luke drank some whiskey, loving the purple bag that it comes in within Canada's reach;
Moreover, the spooks asked Al Capone if he was getting his booze from a Northern Source--
He was not supercilious, yet he humbled himself, speaking like a love-given horse:
"I don't even know what street Canada is on."
So, the bizarre drama with redneck humor--it parades on--granting a progeny of reptilian spawn.