Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Saints and snakes (1)

   "Saints and snakes (1)"
   In withering withdrawal from night-shame, though finding the succor of Saints (preserve us), even then, the snakes infuse your pineal gland with submission save those infused by light, refusing to break, even unto death is their mastering mark, controlled by the psychotic love of God that King David possessed, so divine and praising, a son born of adultery, though that love, redeeming in Solomon and the myriads of Angels called for the will of weird, like burning myrrh does the will of the Holy Spirit, bringing forth the castrated pudendum of a Holy Trinity, One God.  
   McKelvy didn't care.  Brought forth from the pits of pandemonium unto the living earth, besmirched by madness and a greed spoken against by Pope Francis himself, sitting Benedict down, betrayed not was God by the Universal poverty of possession, especially including those spiritual things that haunt heavenly or hellways till death gifts or gives true disease.
   And everything is stolen by the coyote, like a sword forged by Arch-Angels to slay the fallen Arch-Angels, in a time and space that is relative, yet knowing:  there is no big freeze, for Al Gore has mentioned so; thus, McKelvy, damned by his altruistic intentions, would not give false testimony, but stand by the glowing arctic eyes of a Tower of Ivory, a House of Gold, a Morning Star, the Perimeter of Sublimity, and all for what?
   To not be swine controlled by controlled politicians and the lies of attorneys, yet into the quixotic insanity of TRUTH.  Let it be told!!!