Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Yearning Apotheosis (5)

   "Yearning Apotheosis (5)"
   Britt Flynn was back in his government-housing, silent and pondering as the night was alive outside his locked chambers.  He knew he had sinned; thus, the wages of death--the forced, though sometimes enjoyable molestation by his mother, and he had paid in full.
   Moreover, he was humbled now.  Like Saint Francis always was.  Yet Joan of Arc--was she bloodthirsty, being beyond humility, or in a noble state, fighting to save her homeland?  And King David differed than the perpetually-washing Levite Aaron, armed with a Staff of God, topaz on his breastplate, among other things that I will not mention.  There are many differing personalities that inherit the Energy of the Almighty, yet none are reptiles--even though Christ said:  "Be as cunning as serpents, yet as innocent as doves."
   Britt Flynn was neither.  Yet Sister Cindy would infuse him with something special.  She had that altruistic energy.  Was no reptile, or working for them in a filthy rich corporation.  And Britt Flynn knew he could admit such things to his shrink--for who was going to believe a mad eunuch?