Saturday, July 22, 2017
Birds and Baseball
"Birds and Baseball"
There are plenty flying phenoms as mascots in MLB. Blue Jays that feed on eggs and can mimic the call of larger birds; plus, Cardinals that show us to take care of ourselves, yet counterpoise it with compassion for others; next, the Baltimore Oriole, 1 of 9 Oriole species in North America.
Orioles generally are omnivores. Their bill is aquiline, measuring to the same specs of their head, mostly. Males generally taller than females. Cal Ripken, Jr. could slam-dunk a basketball too; moreover, a sign that the hard times are over. That the Sun is gonna rise on you
I wish they had a Grackle or a Robin. Maybe a Raven would be nice too. Anyway, wherever I go, I ask people: "Do you like baseball?" And they all explain that they enjoy going to live-action games, but ignore it on television. I tell them to just make a hot dog and drink a beer, imagining that they're actually there. We need to appreciate the game more. One word: CHARMING.