Sunday, July 2, 2017

Notary Fraud (Part 2)

   "Notary Fraud (Part 2)"
   Snake-Face called the other night, saying:  "Lock her up, lock her up."  They all want her totally locked up, like killing a baby calf in a dark, silent room.  For nearly six years the Dishonorable Debutante has been trying to lock her up.  He won't last; moreover, she won't last.  Attorneys and cops involved in Notary Fraud.  You wait outside boy.  Me crying, not knowing, at the time.  She's not of sound mind or body, jacked up on Haldol and Xanax--it's all on film, after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's Stage 4 and medicated to the max--he drug her in there and made her sign their bushel and a peck.
   Motive, intent--gee golly Beaver.  Hope nobody save him knew about this, like attorneys or cops, or maybe the attorneys and cops were the ones with the idea?  He won't last.  He's sick and weak.  She won't last.  They won't last.  Bullying is not asking questions or protecting the sick.  Attempted murder and driving people out for the pay-off, well, that's attempted murder, and they keep attempting and attempting.  Motive.  Intent.  Follow the money.