Sunday, July 16, 2017

Kooky Lucy Frost (27)

   "Kooky Lucy Frost (27)"
   After years of being neglected and abused; specifically, called retarded, stupid, lazy, and all the rest, the intellectually-challenged (so to speak) Lucy Frost had engaged in the playful art of intercourse, for the singular and sublime purpose of crafting life.  Even the rejected deserve to have a sense of security and love, but so many monsters of cruel energy thieve them away into a vacuous and abysmal pit of hopelessness.  One on one are fair odds; on the contrary, a million to one is the sincere gluttony of a ravenous and ruthless pack.
   Conor didn't brag to his buddies, for he had none, only thanked God to feel another incarnate soul after forty-four years of celibacy.  The only flesh he had touched in that suffocating quicksand of protracted seclusion was Christ in the Eucharist.  God tests the just man--it is written.
   Kooky Lucy Frost skipped home, embryo ignited, and she was stardust eternal, a glimmer of God's Good Will--the Almighty adoring ALL of His creations, even the shapeless divine.  Those asymmetrical people, broken and crushed, yet so honest and sincere, only wanting to be loved.  But as the Irish, Catholic Presidency said at one point in history:  "Life is not fair."  Thus, the magnanimous might of moral men must make it so.  For the downtrodden have thirsted for righteousness long enough.
   Pap greeted Lucy at the door, noticing her wondrous radiance, intrinsically knowing she had become a woman, getting her metaphorical wings back, and redeeming her own little, lost angel.
   If you don't remember where you came from; next, you truly have no place to go.