Saturday, July 29, 2017

Saint Francis & the leper

   "Saint Francis & the leper"
   Saint Francis was disgusted and ran away at first when God instructed him to kiss the leper.  But he got over it, obeying his Lord.  This from a guy who tamed a wolf; plus, would strip himself naked and jump into the thorn bushes if arousal hit him due to hot chicks walking down the street.  Gotta love it, definitely.  The Patron Saint of Ecology, his seed firmly sown in the fertile Earth.
   My family is disgusted by sickness, taking the approach of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, believing the sickly should be put out of their misery, one way or the other.  And Dr. Death was actually considered for Surgeon General by the Clinton Administration before they chose Joycelyn Edwards, her dumb ass wanting to teach American adolescents the proper techniques of masturbation.  You can't pray in school, but you can flog the bishop and get free condoms.  
   They neglected her for six years.  Wouldn't even let her go to her granddaughter's graduation, ashamed of her sickness.  Saint Francis kissed a leper--get over it.  They told Saint Pope John Paul the Second that if he went outside with his Parkinson's he would embarrass himself.  He told them to get over it, and that his sickness would give others hope.  
   I bled for five years, having sometimes 17 bloody bowel movements a day, my entire large intestine ulcerated and inflamed, and a nurse told me:  "I know when it's my time to go--when I lose control of my bowels."  I took care of a family and ran a household, not shedding a singular tear or questioning God.  Just kept laughing, knowing I would endure.  
   People give up.  Leave soldiers on the field to be eaten by vultures.  Cowards.  No faith in anything save their money that they manipulate the law with.  But they cannot conceal from God, nor manipulate Him.  They will face the Divine Justice System, as Spinoza referred to it.  
   And I will come into the Courts of Christ, praising Him for all of my sufferings and humiliations.