Saturday, July 15, 2017

Tony Curtis--The Manitou

   "Tony Curtis--The Manitou"
   My big brother, not Christ, but my bio-bro made me watch this movie when I was a little kid; as a result, I learned plenty, for there are no coincidences in life.
   All Tony Curtis ever desired in life, as he admitted on Letterman years back, was to wear tight pants, in order to show his junk.  Damn girl--I'm not being raunchy--this is freaking Tony Curtis, and he played in the true story of a genuine erudite with no education, dubbed:  The Great Impostor.
   The American Indian or Native American friend he had in The Manitou, that medicine and holy man, humbly stated:  "I'm just a simple man with a bag of tricks."
   Men don't carry purses anymore.  You know how much shit my Dad had in his wallet?  We all need a medicine bag.  But nobody believes.  Anti-Psychotics that paralyze, but to hell with the sea salt and lavender.  Crystals as grids.  Crystal radios with copper wire.  Nah, it's all bullshit.  The ancients were stupid.  We have Internet porn--they did not.
   My watch is still quartz powered.  My Pap's.  Animism is true, in a sense.  Not a sparrow falls from the sky that My Father doesn't know about; furthermore, Christ said to look at the flowers, and that in all of King Solomon's glory they are ornamented and clothed better than him.
   If the truth frightens you, keep drinking and escaping into adultery.  A woman's bosom will not console you like courage and admittance of truth.  The Norse people get into Valhalla by being brave, and there was none braver than Christ, hanging on a tree as did the All Father.  But I do not babble like a pagan, for God knows my every thought, and the Our Father is ALL I need.