Monday, July 3, 2017

Kooky Lucy Frost (25)

   "Kooky Lucy Frost (25)"
   Kooky Lucy Frost, elated by being a harvester of the crop, no longer tortured by the wicked children of the corn, instructed by the family of the Craftsman, weirdly wended her way over to Conor's place, leaving the Purell behind, but brought Cleveland.  Conor's parents were at the movies, and she wanted to make-out with him, while Cleveland watched, due to canine confirmation.
   Conor invited her in, his buzzcut showing a scalped humility, and his gold/green/blue/brown eyes glistened as the Buffalo Sunshine illuminated his already intrinsic radiant display of brightly-hued obedience; indeed, he too, would even go unto death, knowing:  Death, where is thy sting?
   Lucy and him immediately got on the couch and exchanged spit--she enjoyed it.  Not grossed out, but asked for a piece of garlic and some cinnamon; plus, distilled water--of course, he provided all three things, and she purified her oral cavity--never is wrong to keep your fists up like Moses when fighting an army of Hairy Men, but Conor was of the light.
   He told her of the supposed saliva-duct stone that no physician or dentist would remove for over a decade.  Said it was driving him crazy.  Then, he went to a physician without an appointment, as if commanded to show up, made a nuisance of himself, badgering the nurse, and they removed it before the shadow government could keep it inside.  "Funny.  "He stated.  "Funny that it was partially metallic.  If I knew then what I know now, I would ask to keep it.  A doctor cannot order you.  You're paying them; hence, you give them the orders."
   Lucy smiled.  It was all coming together, and the money of the jigsaw was now being thieved away by Christ and the American Coyote, given to Robin Hood, and shot into the pockets of the poor; indeed, many who are first shall be last, and many who are last shall be first.