Tuesday, April 8, 2014


   * * * Mark David King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   Dr. Phil, a bit selfishly sanctimonious; nevertheless, a decent man from Horseshoe America, where a pancake always has 2 sides, displayed a television show, expounding upon:  LISTERINE & other oral cleansers can blow you positive on Cop-Used Breathalyzers.  So, if our Cop Technology used in capturing drunk drivers is defunct--how much more BS is there in the Lie Detector mechanism?  
   Plenty.  Especially 4 the mentally ill or anxiety ridden, their asymmetrical physiology offering ambiguous pulse & heart surge.
   Thus, the crap continues.  Wrongful Prosecution everywhere.  And 2 think:  Suffering from OCD with Tics, I once made-out with a lovely lady in a grocery store parking lot; next, I rinsed my mouth out with the LISTERINE I carry in my glove compartment after she made her exit, all in hopes of defeating sultry, thrush-like cheese from forming in my mouth after the spit-sharing French Kiss.  If I would've been tested under Cop Law; then, I would've been doing defeat @ the local lock-up.  So, 2 the American Justice System and all viewers of pseudo-science cop shows--we're not @ the apex of technology yet.  Totally, we're kinda/sorta in the Dark Ages.
   So, remember Nancy Reagan & tell your adolescent daughters:  "Just say no--don't blow."