Saturday, April 26, 2014

Green Eunuch: Origination (7)

   * * * Mark David King's Counterpoised Books @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * * 
   ACT 7
   The "Hound" anchored itself in Music City.  Patrick heard the jingle and felt the quixotic dreams of the aspiring bards.  Next, dismissing the nostalgia of his old home, he thumbed his way to the suburban sprawl.  There, up towards the mini-mansion where he once resided, he was allowed entrance by his step-father, a once Southern Baptist Deacon keen on the Book of Revelation.  The twosome exchanged pleasantries; next, drink was offered, and Patrick contemplated the mysteries of humanity blinded by sour grapes.  The former Deacon, Lawrence, does most of the talk'n.     
Nobody knows the return of the King, for the cleansed Heavens wanna be crafty, like Odysseus constructing the Trojan Horse--or Christ offering up to be innocent like doves, yet cunning like serpents; still, we know the dragon's minions are here already.  And their job is to trick and fool humanity.  Some say the Pope in Rome; however, the Pope doesn't live in Rome--he lives in Vatican City.  And remember Christ speak'n to Peter, telling that good old boy that he will be the Rock, which of course Christ will build His Church upon--not Martin Luther--he was no Rock.  For two thousand years the Catholic Church has been the guardian of Christ, with failure, scandal, and yet, sublimity.  False prophets will come said Christ. Nevertheless, you will know them by their fruits.  Pope J.P. 2 wanted to be a barefoot Monk, rooted in the new Carmelite way of Saint John of the Cross suffering at the Inquisition.  That Spanish Mystic/Saint endured suffering from the Church itself; nevertheless, obeyed the commandments of Christ.  Truly, the Catholics converted more pagans in a single day than the Protestants in their entire, continually-splintering existence.  And remember Saint Paul begging us to mimic Christ--well, Christ loved and honored His Mother, but the Protestants don't.  They're suspicious, possibly envious of that relationship.  Christ was celibate when He offered His Blood and Body at the Last Supper.  Preachers are not celibate, forsaking Christ's Mother, yet adoring His Father; thus, we fall short a bit, offering only a cracker tainted by sexually-pulsating hands, unlike a Catholic Priest--if he keeps his vows.  And know Pope Francis' fruits.  Chose the name of a fool for Christ.  Saint Francis fought in the Crusades; next, returned humble, punishing himself towards a state of perfect celibacy in order to mimic Christ--even threw his naked body in thorn bushes after checking out a lady with firm, symmetrical breasts.  Martin Luther's failures proves he should have chosen another line of work, yet he chose rebellion against Peter's geological-foundation known and observed by the Christ Himself.  Like Siddhartha inheriting the Buddha after dismissing asceticism for the Middle Path--Martin Luther could not handle asceticism such as many of the Navy Seal-like Saints.  Pope Francis and J.P. 2, both alive in Christ, are hardcore ascetics.  Verily son--the Catholic Church is not the Whore of Babylon.  This is hogwash fanatically forged by way of green-eyed, highly sexual, capitalistic pseudo-evangelists--them all getting the knowledge of Christ from the Catholic Church, the Universal Church, which began the moment Christ died on the Cross.  And they mimic Him, knowing invocation to the Celestial Hierarchy is something Christ knew well, even telling Peter during His arrest that He could call upon a Legion of Angels if He had wanted, but nobody took His life, for He gave it freely.  Mel Gibson's art is awesome, yet hatred of the Hebrew people falls not in accordance with Christ, Him offering His life freely; thus, Jews are not Christ killers.  --Salvation comes from the Jews knows a holy man, if he knows the Gospels, and Jesus, Him being, always, a Jew Himself, from the genetically-crafted Hebrew flesh of Mother Mary.  Hence, do not be envious of others.  Was Paul envious of Peter?  But remember, when reading the Bible son--always go to the King James Version.  Ya gotta learn something from me.  Ha--it's good to see your shining face again Patrick, my son.