Sunday, September 7, 2014

Anti-Christ: not really that bad?

   "Anti-Christ:  not really that bad?"
   Christ is the Torah Incarnate.  The Law in the Flesh.  According to scandalous legend--the Torah was offered to many peoples before acceptance by the Hebrews.  The others all denied it, possibly due to its anti-liberty policy of submission; moreover, Islam translated into the Queen's Language kinda/sorta means:  submission.  Are there dangers in the Abraham-spawned religions?    Did Christianity attempt to soulwash away all paganism and the spirituality of the American Indian?  Was it the brethren of Christ who gave the scarlet-hued Chiefs the blues and quasi-genocide?  
   The Nordic gods require no submission.  They only require Sacred Brave!  Thor does not make deals with the World Serpent; specifically, he is on quixotic safari to simply slay serpentine.  In time, he will kill the World Serpent; however, the toxic contagion of the reptile might overwhelm his immortality after the divine battle.  The snake swallowing itself is a never-ending cycle of our slavery, until we morph fantastic ourselves, becoming the gods King David mentioned us to be in the somewhat blasphemous Psalms.  Do we need the World Serpent to exist?  To continue our trials and evolutionary growth?  When will it end?
   Regardless, just read a science fiction book--so much of everything is misinformation.  Emily Dickinson kinda/sorta odes:  "We never give up our secrets."  But what if the excommunicated Rabbinical Scholar Spinoza is right?  What if there is a Divine Justice System at the end of all the confusion?  What if we are plugged in, no prosecutors & no defense--just our actions & thoughts; next, will decency ultimately triumph?