Monday, April 27, 2015

Jazzmin Flush (48)

   "Jazzmin Flush (48)"
   Donald Flush attempting to explain and visually-enlightened comedic with two, lime-green gummi bears squished between his pearly-stained and aligned chompers.  "Look--like with the trans-gender types during that metamorphosis of physical revolution, or the Reagan-era 1980's with pierced punk bands and all that loud crap screaming from their imaginary faces.  This is the future.  We grow.  We accept.  It becomes normal without blinking or thinking weirdly about it,  Plus, it was only certain parts of the American Region that fought to accept growth, not constricting it, conservative-ing it; regardless, somehow--it all worked for us--the United States."
   Rascal thought she might need baby powder mixed with aloe for her butt scratch thing she had going on.  "You're totally right dude--uh, Mr. Donald Flush.  Now come on in, and bring a large pizza with blood sausage.  Your daughter is stranger than you.  Can you believe it--she has a pet mouse named Swiss.  Unfreakable . . ."