Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Asymmetrical Nation

   "Asymmetrical Nation"
   Putin offers informative observations concerning Our America--police criminal mischief and brutish brutality!!!  Moreover, King David, the most read bard, has been robbed of imported elixirs and herbs for the ill-fated, a power hungry, hubris-filled government controlling our chance at comfort.  Try being sick.  Asymmetrical.  Shapeless.  Maybe you'll succeed like the fiction of Forrest Gump; maybe, probably--you will not!
   Violently maligned and shackled by the corruption of swine, bullied by the hot-tempered envy of others, their green eyes never shimmering effulgent like a supermodel; plus, we had an American President with dumb-shit intelligence, him maliciously murdering myriads of innocents in the Abrahamic God's special region, constructing wicked karma for our ancient settlers, before immigration flooded and morphed our country away from the settled and converted European kids who bravely defended us in World War 2, doing plenty more than serve the hate of nations, becoming a hated mix of malcontent misfits, for the most part--not all.  Forgetting our once great mantra:  "It's a free country!"  Indeed--no longer.  A quasi-police state, in the least.  Forgotten is the chaste, inviolate, caring Mother of God, women now fornicating into female mutations while their heart-broken men lose the synergy of true love.  And even supersymmetry can burst a change.  The wicked adder hacking into the creation of the Multiverse during God's resting period.  And we seek not the friendship of the Celestial Hierarchy, them heretical religions denying anything but the proud apex of God Himself, as if they deserve to be birthed brilliant, guardian angels losing human interest, and your parents terribly perish in a slow-burning death without knowing the pity and mercy of family saints.  We have forgotten unearthly clarity.  Where's the mercy--oh, I guess that's reserved for the weak, and then our proud leaders claim the benevolence of the Living Christ. 
   Remember:  We slaughter tens of thousands each year in America--the American Coyote.  The ultimate survivor, armed with a digestive tract that rivals the most obese of abusers.  The American Indian knew:  "He will bring God to man."