Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Weredog Tart (16)

   "Weredog Tart (16)"
   Mandy McGee, once lost; now found, had a lucid dream; specifically, heard an angel's trumpeting sound.  So melancholy and non-communicative blue was her psychological hue.  A son birthed to corporeal animation by way of incubation; furthermore, fed through the head by a nourishing needle, and his father never getting enough from the boy, or more potently strong children from a wife's stagnate ovaries.
   Regardless, even though Mandy had exiled herself from the situation of matrimony, leaving a challenged son (Lance) behind to cope with a corrupt father, she was not guilty of abandonment, only sorrow and anguish.  Mr. McGee having screamed at her before she made her exodus:  "You are enabling the idiot--he needs to play football and be a man!"
   Lance was in Mandy's prayers daily, her invoking the guardianship of angles, always asking:  "Angels of God, our guardian dears--His love commits your synergy here; thus, ever this eternity be at my son's and my side--to light and guard; plus, to rule and guide.  Amen--In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit--please do hear it."
   So, upon waking to seeing her estranged husband's death, she dressed herself in casual garb; next, as if echo-location from angelity giving her symmetrical rules for a cradling intention, she rushed to her son's pinpointed direction.