Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Weredog Tart (25)

   "Weredog Tart (25)"
All was dandyism for Noah, him dressing in a shirt with a collar;
Next, Siria gave him a mellifluous shout and glorious holler,
For they were on their way to ancient Mass
Even though guitars and Protestantism had influenced since an approximate 16th Century sass,
And even Nietzsche in his Antichrist proclaimed he was no longer a German,
Disturbed by the wheels of something splintering into myriads of groups, such as Pee-wee Herman;
Regardless, for 1,600 years did the Catholics protect the Kingdom Divine,
A Vatican Library having all the secrets of verse and rhyme--
Them Romans before Saint Helena keeping every book, knowing the pages--them turning;
Thus, how is that history denied, yup--it is disturbing!
You don't thieve away the Holy Family;
You don't plant another tempting fig or apple tree;
Alas, corruption gets involved everywhere,
Even attempting to slay Saint Benedict, yet saved by a mystical raven's flight, so aware;
Still, Siria held no contempt,
Only wondering if she would get fleas from her shape-shifting events,
Being capable now, under any sliver of waning or waxing Moon--
Always able to generate the weredog boon.