Sunday, November 6, 2016

Crystalline Cool (16)

   "Crystalline Cool (16)"
   The angelic countenance of Aimee escorted Duncan, sweetly, and with the super suavity of Squirrel Girl beauty, which had control over the lesser mammals, out onto his backyard turf, where the bucolic beauty of Mother Nature did reside.  
   She gently asked him what you called drops of sweat on Dolly Parton's buxom abundance, to which he admitted that he didn't know.  She answered:  "Mountain Dew!  And no, I don't drink it like the garden-variety redneck; moreover, I don't want to get Mountain Dew mouth, which is more insidious concerning causing damage to the oral cavity than that of street meth."
   Duncan axiomatically surmised that she was much like his father, sharing his Native man's stoic humor, as the Native American had lost so much, yet shook it off with lovely levity, like a prancing gazelle does shake away the negative energy after surviving a cheetah's hungry pounce.
   Yet with her blonde mane of sunshine yellow, and eyes sparkling like green gemstones, she, from his empirical observations, appeared Northern European; next, he asked her if she had ever climbed the scholastic ladder of academia, and how far up.  She responded a bit ambiguously:  "General education is like every other garbage can, full of the same toxic nonsense.  People should be pushed into the path of their skills and talents.  So, I go to our local library, reading all of the books on metaphysics, nutrition, and of course, baseball history.  I guess that's why working at a burger joint brings me glee, for I get to put sage, oregano, turmeric, garlic, and other healthy stuff into our poor community's impoverished cows to help the herd of our people folk.  Too, I listen to the ball games on my headphones."
   Duncan grinned at her silly spirit, saying:  "You're plenty like my Dad."
   Aimee offered:  "That's not a bad thing.  Loving the Earth and laughing at yourself is health food for the soul."
  Duncan's face lit up, him really liking her victorious vibe.