Saturday, November 12, 2016

Crystalline Cool (20)

   "Crystalline Cool (20)"
   Duncan and Roadkill returned home after the naked and aqua-charged innocence of a shower that involved washing Aimee's yellow hair with anti-dandruff shampoo; next, she had washed his black mane that was shortly cropped.  There was no kissing, for she had no LISTERINE, and Duncan didn't want to pick up any oral thrush from a possibly yeasty mouth.  Too, he did not become fully aroused, reminding himself of Saint Francis having walked down the road and encountered hot chicks; then, the Fool for Christ got a bit excited, but swiftly stripped himself naked and jumped into the thorn bushes before complete arousal--all for the glory of chastity.
   Anyway, when he entered his humble habitat, Roadkill thundering in first, the old man was puffing away on a blueberry-flavored cigar and reading a Green Arrow comic book.  At that point, Duncan knew not to tell Dad about his pseudo-carnal experience, for he didn't want to get "the business" from the Apache's sense of stoic humor; nevertheless, in touch with the Earth and all the vibrations of Her forever-fluxing energy, the wise Native elder knew something was, well, almost up, or had been, yet the old man kept his mouth silent, simply saying:  "Reading a 1980's comic about the Emerald Archer, Oliver Queen, when he was a destitute and bleeding heart, having that cool Robin Hood mustache and goatee, which did not connect.  Damn, wish I could grow facial hair.  And I'm not being gay here son, but Oliver Queen is a nice-looking man.  I guess I've always had a thing for blondes, and that's why I married your mother--her hair was as bright as gold."
   Duncan thought of Aimee's cascading blonde, shook it off, and sat down next to Dad on the sofa; next, he glimpsed at the collectible comic book, verbally offering:  "I'm fond of Captain America myself.  Truth, Justice, and the American way." 
   Dad snorted, stating:  "When freedom was a real gift.  Now the government spies on her own people, and religious freedom is being threatened.  Oh well, you cannot pour new wine into old wine skins, for the old wine skins will not be able to hold the new wine--did I get that kinda right?"
   Duncan was like:  "More or less.  But still, the Old Testament has its truth, and sometimes we have to fight and revisit in humble manner, like Mr. Miyagi knowing--wax on; wax off."
   The old man laughed, and kept puffing away, blowing a super-symmetrical smoke ring, that with prophecy, danced in completion and circular structure from the den into the kitchen.