Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Were-Wheaten Christmas (5)

   "A Were-Wheaten Christmas (5)"
   A lonely arch-angel dubbed Bill was kinda/sorta lonely of late.  He was all out of Maxwell House, and Christmas was approaching.  Most of his regal relatives were in the celestial cosmos, beyond the Sublime Perimeter.
   But Bill was a pretty good remote viewer.  Pretty good.  He had heard of Miss Freddy Hart; specifically, that she was a Were-Wheaten.  A curious breed indeed.  Kinda Irish.  And while the Irish are stubborn, they're not exactly stupid, they just like to get hit in the face every now and then, to recharge their Shamrock batteries; next, bite a guy's ear off in a bar brawl.  
   So, Bill constructed an android in his North Dakota household; moreover, it was an exact duplicate of G. Gordon Liddy.  Bill named the android, simply:  GMAN.
   Bill would send the android to assist Miss Freddy Hart in her uncanny pursuits of persuading this pernicious world that freaks are people too, in a weird way.
   Bill probed his creation:  "Are you ready GMAN?"
   GMAN robotically responded:  "I was born ready; plus, vigorous, virile, and potent--I am!"