Thursday, November 16, 2017
Hope Dad is not watching
"Hope Dad is not watching"
From the genesis, woken up to fabrication, exploitation, manipulation, and the erasing of folks and their internal selves; thus, the Mockingbird cries, yet somehow, remembers. All that money and control . . .
Just trucks, flags, breaking bread with the Gentiles, and offering a shock of witness, nothing more than a portion of ourselves, whatever that is, and we kinda know.
Heavens first; next, here. All connected, yet their glamour done gone goofball, and in the Heavens, like a football game on Friday--high school, no pressure Chief, and none. The blonde cheerleader--come on, not you mousy-brown girls, the real blondes, ya know. But it's all nice, if aligned with the process of a free will free-falling forward.
And to think that NASCAR doesn't have more, or any, inside tracks. What a show. And the purple pollution of it all. Buddy Baker? Was that his name? And number 43.