Friday, November 24, 2017
This one girl, back @ junior high, yonder thataway--way back then; anyway, she'd overly genuflect, in all scenarios. @ Mass, which was pretty cool, following the proper protocols for someone schooled in Catholicism; however, she may have even taken her genuflection to the playground, where @ around pubescence, we talked more than acted like zoo animals on the instruments of action.
Genuflecting was her super power. She designed the school logo, one of them, in the seventh grade. Another girl, an Irish Catholic, got ten Hail Marys or so after Confession. Everybody was gawking @ her, wondering what she had done to deserve so much prayerful penance. I knew what she did--she told the truth. I always liked her, as a sister, ya know.
Nothing wrong with back to the future travels. If you go to the right places. Even the 1950's. Like eating @ SONIC, and enjoying the frigid blast of Winter as you roll down the windows, ignite the internal cockpit light, and eat some mildly greasy good times--and always get some onions on your burger, in my opinion.