Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Saint Hubert, Green Arrow, & Robin Hood

   "Saint Hubert, Green Arrow, & Robin Hood"
   Saint Hubert, Patron Saint of hunting, among other things, reminds of Green Arrow in modern fiction, and of Robin Hood's legendary status, in a bow and arrow way.
   The hunter (Saint Hubert) saw a Crucifix between a stag's antlers.  He decided to follow God.  A dog was involved, like the tradition of many Catholic Saints and canines gregariously gelling politely, such as Saint Roch and Saint Francis, to mention a couple.
   Anyway, Saint Hubert taught how to hunt with ethics.  Hey, it's a savage world, gotta be fierce; however, even I can be a douche sometimes; as a result, I like to slay dust bunnies, and did so today with my step-dad.  He offers sage advice, but never uses the stuff, saying:  "Priorities first, boy."  Nice.
   So, Saint Hubert hunted, yet never brought down more game than was necessary, nor killed without executing a surgically swift shot of an awesomely aimed arrow, quickly taking the beautiful animal, and never bringing down a delightful doe with newborns; also, not even an old doe, if she is a classic, deserving to live out her years--it all depends on the sense of the hunt.  A polite sportsman.  Saint Hubert.  Carried a bow and arrows.  Pretty classic.