Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Little old nature and Pittsburgh

   "Little old nature and Pittsburgh"
   He loathes the look of rats, yet even he would save a rancorous rat from an adder's baneful bite, armed with fanged toxicity that kinda/sorta electrifies with paralyzing poison, in the minimum, at least, save for the Badger of certain strengths.
   And the Badger hunts with Coyote.  A potent spirit and a ferocious beast of noble steel upon Terra's turf, so might a rock and roller say.
   What ever happened to Don Meredith?  The oldies were the goodies.  Are the goodies, Iceman.  My brother gravitated towards the Maverick character.  What a cocky son of a gun.  Nice.  And Padme Amidala, ornamented in the  Fleur-de-lis.  I always liked the Pittsburgh Steelers, covertly, especially their quarterbacks, but having two in Franco and Rocky, the lesser, but great one, having a decent portion of his foot blown off in Vietnam, yet he was both warrior and athlete, in the greater sense of that, and maybe more things.