Thursday, November 16, 2017

Angel vs. Man: Jango/Obi-Wan

   "Angel vs. Man:  Jango/Obi-Wan"
   Their first encounter.  Cramped.  Polite.  A Personal Jesus.  A meek Christ.  And the Angel has higher frequency.  Must control himself, or be a rage machine.  Stay off the roids, kids.  Too, the Angel can read the man, if trained.  Realize it's the man's trepidation that makes his ownself taste a portion of phobic fright.  It goes both ways.  But the Man, in close quarters--is a savage.  Could head-butt the Angel by dulling his own lesser sensitivity.  
   It goes on and on and on, yet they had it out.  Equally matched.  Never can tell, says Jack Burton; indeed, the little old lady can slay a werewolf, for she might be carrying a double-pump full of pernicious pellets behind her desk.  We are not equally matched, from the outside nor in; on the contrary, the Man arms himself, wisely, as does the wise Angel.  And both can be living weapons.
   I got all of this from Attack of the Clones?  It was an underappreciated piece of art.  Like Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials.  Extra-crispy chicken.  Need a bucket of the Colonel.  Hell boy, in Little Rock during the late 1980's, we had a local hillbilly dubbed THE GENERAL, and he didn't wear any decorative ribbons or a fancy suit.  Said:  "Screw the Colonel, boy.  Come see the General."  My ex-wife's Mom knew him.  How typical.  Sucks to be me, sometimes.  You too, sometimes.  So, we are men and angels, living together.