Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Crooked attorney got a $30,000 bonus
"Crooked attorney got a $30,00 bonus"
And she said: "I love you so much. Yes, I love you."
When you came home that night, was it you she loved, or the money?
Don't get your goose cooked. Whispering charms into your ears, flattering with compliments, so that you continue to shake and bake the bread crumbs, stuffing your own turkey, and she's had more romantic evenings with a turkey baster herself--ain't the sorority house grand daddy?
Setting you up for incarceration. Don't go into a hospital. A nursing home. A psychiatric ward; indeed, those places are constructed to kill. I've been in all 3, for protracted periods, flipped around by nurses, and told it was my time to go.
Thank the Lord (my Refuge) for the Mexican cleaning lady. She looked at me in awe; next, screamed me a teachable moment: "What are you doing in here! You're young! Get out of here; they'll kill you!"
The dastardly doctors and naughty nurses said I couldn't leave. I unplugged myself and told them to go to hell. Walked out. Here I am, and I just sucked down a lung dart.
That should do it. Now, you'll have to take an extra Prozac or Xanax tonight to sleep.