Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Green Eunuch (Part 14) Holy Ghost Infusion

   Mark David King @ Twitter.  Too, Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
Gubbio loose, sniffing on paw pads to piss,
Knowing his master (Saint Francis) wouldn't miss
A little stray to mark some territory,
Discharging a yellow stream that was from drinking liquid's story;
Alas, he noticed the scent of another canine--
Though not a Christ lover, but an insidious god that wished to malign--
And Gubbio saw Fenrir's approaching hate;
Next, pissed more brilliance--a urinary, phobic mistake,
Thinking:  "Oh shit!"  Yet he hated the foul in his mouth,
For the Prophets of Old don't cuss like Americans living in the Dirty South.
   * * * * * *
Skunkfire outside the warehouse where the Eternal Virgin and Francis did chat--
The Eunuch pondering an axiomatic fact
That is:  Suicide is not an unforgivable sin
If the director of your intentions projects unearthly sorrow--the Devil steering your fin,
For there are worse things than a sanguine death,
Like living a lie without having holy breath;
Moreover, the only unforgivable sin is against the Holy Ghost
And not submitting to THAT Aspect of God, which drives souls most
To excellence; indeed, the Holy Ghost's infusion offers the apex of eternity,
Yet mercy and sacrifice are needed for forever liberty;
Specifically, being infused by the Holy Ghost
Means turning your back on the things you crave most
Like beauty, sex, and admiration
From giving copulation or getting physical elation,
For eternal life can be twice as nice
If submission to God is your favorite spice;
Next, wipe clean all desire and passion;
Then, the Holy Ghost enters, morphing a soul into mystic fashion,
Adorning them with a perpetual friend,
Which is the Holy Family, a Godly lend
Of His adoration of your acquiesce;
Thus, be potent enough to submit and confess,
Killing your cravings for sensual glee
Since that thieves away you from being forever free . . .