Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Jack Kennedy "Under The Influence" Of Greatness . . .

   Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!!!
   * * * * * *
   Just Google or Bing President John F. Kennedy's medical records--and you'll get it; specifically, he used narcotics while serving as Commander In Chief; moreover, he usurped the political sobriety of Clinton, Bush, and Obama.  Kennedy was a War Hero, never dodging like Clinton or Bush or even Odysseus (he was cool though); at the same time, Kennedy endured more War Damage than John Kerry getting a splinter in one of his fingers; subsequently, the freakishly tall android was awarded the Purple Heart.  But Kennedy suffered sincere anguish and pain, needing opiates and anti-anxiety medication; plus, most likely a gulp of Scotch every once in a while.  Too, the Urban Legend wends the way that he used cannabis for further solace. Regardless, Kennedy kicked ass.  Yes, he did have the Achilles' Heel of a raging libido, bedding babes with wanderlust; nevertheless, he cosmically trumped the Russians and their intrepid Space Program, forging our greatest American Adventure in Outer Space, faced down Cuba, offered a more high-caliber vernacular and empathetic speeches than did Clinton or Obama--those two pretenders, wishing they were him.
   Still, benign narcotics are illegal.  Ingestion of them will get you sodomized in the American Prison System, where a once healthy gastrointestinal tract will be split into sanguine pieces, possibly anchoring a diseased discharge from a murderer, rapist, or other thug who actually belongs behind bars.  And now:  Modern war heroes return from battling Arabs, mostly armed with sling shots, get addicted to opiates and anti-anxiety medication; next, overdose, and now:  Uncle Sam is in your medicine cabinet.  Thanks for your service to our country, further enabling the government to cripple our freedom and liberty.
   Kennedy was not a pussy.  I am.  But isn't he the standard for a warrior?  Wouldn't it be wise to clone him like Lucas did with Jango Fett; then, nobody would overdose, but use properly and in moderation; as a result, the government might allow us physiological solace instead of the "CRUEL AND UNUSUAL" torture of getting sodomized in prison--who wouldn't come out of a place like that and not want to Chase the Dragon?
  And if benign narcotics were legal and taxed; next, we could offer true education concerning moderation, pay off the Chinese Debt, and spawn an American Health Care System By the People and For the People, instead of having Lord Obama force us and penalize us into his medical, pseudo-FDR legacy; next, once we sign up on our computers, thugs like the NSA and FBI possibly have access to our webcams and all the rest. Yup, the American Government can spy on you, but if you get caught watching your neighbor change her panties; then, your ass is sodomized in the American Prison System--the best and most merciful in the world, right?  
   Look, some people will always abuse regardless of instruction and education.  Liberty in America will cause plenty of bloody noses, but that's already happening.  And there is no truth in education anymore--it's all agenda placed.  Oh well, I guess if General George Washington were to plant a cannabis seed the DEA would break into his house wearing thug-like masks, shoot his dog, and give him over to "cruel and unusual" punishment.  Verily, I'd rather be water-boarded than sodomized--who the hell wouldn't?
   Sincerely, Mark David King