Thursday, December 26, 2013

Green Eunuch (Part 16) The Mystic Grid

   Mark David King @ Twitter!  Too, Mark David King's Books @ Apple iTunes, the Nook, and Amazon.Com!
Virgin Mary--volcanic ensemble of cowgirl fury
Merged with Saint Francis' contempt for an evil wolf furry
Storm Hel's lascivious lair with non-edged weapons and azure-hued lasers--
Mary and Francis stunning demons and reptilians armed with devilish favors;
Next, Francis keenly observes Gubbio bleeding on a wicked altar,
Quicksilvering his Saintliness with dexterity that doesn't his coolness alter,
Healing his pet with a friendly stigmata-like soothe;
Then Fenrir's ferocity leaps at him, changing the Saint's punctured, benevolent attitude
While Hel and Mary square off with fierce intent,
Hel throwing Coburn-esque daggers, yet Mary's blue lasers morph them bent,
And the cruel steel flops to the lair's slithery floor--
There, Hel then pukes like a vagina discharging infected galore;
Meanwhile, Skunkfire falls, lost to crippling visions,
Yet is protected by the Holy Ghost from Hel's oncoming minions,
For the Eunuch sees:
Adam and Eve's
Genetic, anthropological axioms for all of us,
Giving DESTINY, though minor disturbances do profanely cuss
At the Holy Script crafted on God's Good Grid--
Making existentialism impossible to close a soul's personal craving-like lid,
Yet God can be copied or plagiarized by minor gods,
And only Mani's Angelic Twin-ship "knowledge" offers insightful cause
Into the cosmic, and beyond, understanding Earth's yesterday invasion--
They're already here, forcing labor, sex, and weaning out the asymmetrical nation,
Maliciously editing God's Holy Grid and Script,
Not minding that of Terra the Devil is a Prince, and he loves to trick;
Still, the Holy Ghost whispers in Skunkfire's ear
Something about CONTROL, which he fears to hear:
   We are all vehicles sculpted by the passengers who wish to manipulate us--this way or thataway do they steer us, all according to their own immortal lusts!