Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Four-Leaf Clover Mystery

   "Four-Leaf Clover Mystery"  
Patrick, once a suffering slave;
Next, a Holy Saint made,
Holding up the sublime shamrock to explain the Trinity,
Yet the fourth leaf offers a lucky charm or that the Co-Redemptrix can offer free;
Indeed, forged in the cellular womb of the Virgin,
Feeding humanity's life-force to God's Seed from Her sacred urging--
There is no denying God's Loving Heart--
He that sometimes bleeds us in order for eternal life to start.
And as the Disciples did ask the Christ:
"Rabbi, is this man blind because of his sins or that of his folk?"
To which Christ did reply with Holy Smoke:
"Neither, yet so that you may know--I AM LORD."
Alas, at THAT TIME--Returns the King with healing sword.