Thursday, February 12, 2015

Multiversal Mutt (2) An eye for a kiss

   "Multiversal Mutt (2)  An eye for a kiss"
   Beyond the cream of the Milky Way, into the oncoming merge of the Andromeda Galaxy, Franny and Jerky hook-up the Junkyard Bone with the esoteric Sal Monella, her piloted by Mister Chicken--they share food communion and wacky symposium.

Why do them hens think I wanna engage in getting laid for an egg?
Yup--every pup not want to tame tail.  Some are there just cause firm, symmetrical, and motherly milkshakes brought 'em to da yard.
So true guys; next, if you don't give it to a wanting female--she selfishly invokes demonic revenge; as a result--just hold up a magical mirror to them; reptiles hate noticing themselves.