Monday, February 2, 2015

WARNING: Bloody Bowels = No Friends

   "WARNING:  Bloody Bowels = No Friends"  

Ulcerative Colitis taunts with a singular sanguinary squirt--
Believe me brother--it thunderously does hurt;
Moreover, amplify that chronically--like numerous times;
Plus, combine OCD with Tics; next, you spawn compulsive rhymes
About being an unappreciated, grotesque warrior,
Being more cursed than damns you does your ex-wife's unscrupulous lawyer;
Alas, agonizing grief is sincerely observed
When your physiology drips fecal gore, evolving you even more perturbed--
And the cancer risks after nearly two decades rise everyday,
Or a crappy pouch fixed to your gutted side, pushing friends even farther away--
So, what to a girl is wise to say?
"Could you fancy a guy who wears crimson diapers almost everyday?"
Yup, I kissed a girl, and she didn't like it;
Also, a clinical psychologist says I'm a fantastic freak, and there's no denying it,
But who am I to complain?
When of Christ's Lamb-like blood did I selfishly drain;
Specifically, the blood is the life!!!
Thus, I imbibe the ichor of the ultimate demigod sooooo nice.