Wednesday, July 29, 2015

She-Ra: Perpetual, Valentine Fascination

   "She-Ra:  Perpetual, Valentine Fascination"
Her wondrous name be:  She-Ra;
Indeed, like Farrah Fawcett in Cannonball Run she wore no bra;
Moreover, what the hell with Joe Theismann in Cannonball Run 2?
Specifically, Adrienne Barbeau was great; alas, Swamp Thing made me blue;
Thus, I think Prince Adam is more handsome than He-Man,
And if a woman understands this--email me your number and a date plan--
Like shouting in the Hamburglar's face while purple Grimace puts the order through.
Girls!!!  It's not you!
I've dated many a junk-in-the-trunk chick, curved for the mate,
And never vocalized suggestions that would their prestige taint;
Anyway, Bless She-Ra--
Like I implied:  She looks better without the boa-constricting bra.