Sunday, June 4, 2017

Holy Fire--stranger than fiction!

   "Holy Fire--stranger than fiction!"
   Chopra's new book on the Universe would make Jango Fett sweat under his hairy pits.  Step out of yourself--examine your past, everyday too, knowing:  there are no coincidences in life, and my family is no coincidence.  They've been feeding Mom and me mantras over and over and over.      
   "You're your own worst enemy.  You're too close to your mother.  You never did that.  The Cowboys never won the Superbowl.  You're not sick, for you just have a vivid imagination and drink lots of coffee."
   Yeah, I forgive, for they're controlled.  One of my relatives put me in the hospital twice.  My Mom said:  "Don't eat her food."  I did twice; next, hooked up to a chemo-like infusion for hours.  The other took LSD and laid in a sleep-deprivation tank; plus, numerous hits of X.  He's in the losing Illuminati now.  He ate some mushrooms in Carolina, and my other relative said he's gonna be slithering around like a reptile.  Makes sense.
   Plus, there's Barney Fife and Andy Griffith--I'm just repeating what the filthy rich relative laughingly said.  A Goober Pyle spotted some aliens, and got arrested.  Now looky here boy, you got yourself them hairy men, like Esau, the reptilians, the Nordics, and the greys who like to give colonoscopies with conscious sedation.  Too, the fish people, and boy, hairy men don't like them reptiles.
   1st Amendment Law, and I was told by an attorney that I had no 1st Amendment Rights for penning prose, which was ambiguous.  1.)  No clear and present danger.  2.)  No fighting words.  And 3.)  If it's ambiguous--it's okay. 
   But nowadays, you can pretend to kill the President and nobody cares.  Hell boy--get some Federal Marshals on it.