Monday, June 5, 2017

Mosby--Civil War, no myth

   "Mosby--Civil War, no myth"
   They call the holocaust a myth nowadays.  The Civil War too.  Men in masks, taking down heroes during the witching hour.  Myriads of Yankee men dead, freeing people who would not fight for themselves.  We all were slaves at one point.  The Jews.  The Irish.  The Nordics.  Them blondes deep in Egypt's curse.  Let My People Go.  The people that fear me.  What is fear of God Solomon answers:  "Hatred of pride, arrogance, and the forked tongue."  But boast of God, for He forged you into existence.  The light arriveth, and the darkness comprehends it not.
   Mosby.  Sickly.  Of Virginia.  The Apple of His Mother's Eye.  Grew to be about five foot six, weighing in @ 120 or so pounds.  Got beat up at school everyday.  The next day, dressed himself, and happily got another ass whooping.  Kept coming back.  Ice water in his veins.
   Wanted to go Union.  Supported Grant during his Presidency.  But Virginia was his mother; therefore, he enlisted and worked under J.E.B. Stuart.  Hated regimentation.  Needed to be alone.  A scout.  Stuart gave him a few men.  All Mosby did was cause chaos to the Yankees.  Disturb their sleep patterns during war, which is important to fighting men.  A small act of victory, for a small man, yet grander than anything even the Silver Fox could comprehend. 
   Mosby was an anomaly.  Spent time in jail.  Carried peppered steel.  Would not submit to a giant, nor did King David.  Disturbed the giant's rest.  The Apple of His Mother's Eye.  A sick man.  A small man.  A part of history, erased.  But he liveth . . .