Monday, September 18, 2017

Don't Lecture The Abrahamic God

   "Don't Lecture The Abrahamic God"
   Of all the gods, none is greater than He.  Not an eye for an eye, or a tooth for a tooth might Gandhi probe; furthermore, saying that he liked Christ, but not Christians, for they are unlike Christ.  Who is Gandhi to lecture the Word of the Most Almighty.?  It's all bread an circuses as Cicero profoundly exclaimed.  And Christ argued with the devil, telling the prince of this world:  "Man lives not on bread alone, but on every word breathed from the mouth of God."
   Jesus is a pacifist?  Nope.  He is the counterpoise of Mother and Father.  The Son of Man, and the Son of God.  And man is God's champion, for we, not the angels, are in God's image.  
   Christ said He will separate the wheat from the chaff with the winnowing fork, and throw the chaff into the eternal fire; also, He said that He will put the goats to His left, and the lambs to His right, and that the goats shall go to slaughter.  Are these the words of the soft and fuzzy Jesus?  
   Don't live by the sword, or you will die by the sword; on the contrary, a man is a fool to not arm himself against wickedness, and be reminded of history.  Time is relative.  Even Lenin instructed to separate people from their history to make them weak.  
   King David had the first Sacred Heart.  And who was Christ but the Son of David.  The Son of David lives forever.  Saint Joseph, a man of silence, knew this well.
   And yet King David wrote for King Saul after he fell on his own sword to not be slain by his adversaries.  And remember:  King Saul tried to kill young David.  But David was a man after God's own Heart.  Thus, the rejected stone becomes the cornerstone, as the King told us of Joseph being sold into slavery.  Remember, Christ gets all of His best material from the Old Testament, but fulfilled the Prophets with mercy., knowing that even the traitorous Saint Peter was filled with a sparkle of hope, but not all repent.  Too many are too proud--pride:  rebellion against God.