Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Indigo Samson (22)

   "Indigo Samson (22)"
   Yes, Maxie had a cult, and was flaky; however--it was part of her charm, for the underground covertly crushes on the Irish Catholic girl saying her prayers with door locked and window closed, as Christ commanded.  She knows her true Father sees her always, even during the most intimate of moments; thus, hearkening unto the discipline of her biological father, she had made herself a nice girl, remembering how Saint Joan of Arc allegorically and definitely stood up for France--no matter that it meant her own life, guided by the likes of Saint Michael, among others.  And Saint Michael surely is:  Like unto God.
   Too, the Commander in Chief has the RIGHT to Free Speech.  And there's this rogue poet in Nashville, once arrested for writing on topics of God.
   Maxie made the sign of the CROSS, prayed with her heart, and reflected upon what it took to forge freedom.