Monday, December 18, 2017

Amos Hart--Corruption in Tennessee

   "Amos Hart--Corruption in Tennessee"
   Amos wasn't proud of his piece, pride being rebellion against God, for we did not fantastically forge ourselves into existence; nevertheless, read a Harvard Blogger, him listing Tennessee as the most corrupt State in the Union--damn, the American South hates that word:  UNION.
   The guy Amos Hart had penned his auspicious article about was followed by a Dr. Grenier, though the guy had no knowledge of the phantom pseudo-physician, nor did the guy suspect negative (in words) ELF waves were being used by insidious forces to disrupt his neurological pattern, but we all know WAR is a ridiculous racket.
   The fact that his Rabbi, his physician, and his brethren were contacted was not by mere chance, and there was always the possibility that money was exchanged for unscrupulous favors, at least involving phony attorneys, rolling around in stolen money and having dirty sex with their wives as they imagine those females to be perfect porn princesses that they regularly flog the bishop to during their down but up time.  How high was the corruption?  Sometimes it takes plenty to murder a little man.  Gotta get him alone, if the ELF waves aren't working.  Santa's elves are nice, and even Amos' brother had pictures of them in a 1980's PLAYBOY magazine, hanging out with Saint Nicholas and stuffing stockings with the serendipity of lip service.
   Nobody would be brave enough to uncover such sinister scenarios, for they would be threatened, and Amos Hart knew bodacious bravery was a bold declaration of past soldiers, pure paladins for the purpose of porpoises.  Amos already knew the hospital and local law enforcement had given false testimony, as well as a guy named Feltner, but Amos didn't gave a damn, because their wives were as asymmetrically ugly as bearded ladies lathered in lascivious longings, yet their husbands couldn't give them anything long save breaths without beatnik beauty, like might Kerouac.
   When corruption is high level, people continue to cover their tracks, reshuffling the deck, turning people over to the government, and believing mercy is in murder.  How enchanting, but My Pretty Pony likes to pounce on non-repenting perversity, with horseshoes made of bronze.
   Amos Hart would not give up, finding fuel in the flavor of beef jerky, like a cowboy, and decided to Christmas Shop for shiny things, as are "Wheel of Fortune" contestants fascinated by such sparkly objects.  
   Saw a drone.  Nah, it was a microscopic Santa, getting small for the love of reindeer aeronautics.