Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Arkansas Gyro (Kinda Culmination)

   "Arkansas Gyro (Kinda Culmination)"
   I think my name is Leaf Flint.  Got lost in the KALEVALA, as a pseudo-cerebral soul may say, if only to astonish, like a Valley Girl that spies a guy; next--he's in trouble.  What, some women don't look at men only in order to exploit them?  Some women are jealous of men.  Some are not.
   Don't trust the girl in the serpentine pantyhose and heels higher than her halo, for she's a man-killer.  Look at Adam and Eve, not going Talmudic and pseudo-scriptural; however, as Christ boldly declared to the father of lies and murder:  "Man lives not on bread alone, but on every word breathed from the mouth of God."
   The basics.  Yet don't limit God.  That's going too far?  We are gods.  I didn't invent the phrase--it's purely Biblical.  What are we to do yet trust in Christ's bodacious benevolence of the supernatural.  
   If you're fairly kind, not out for a buck or the purse of credit; next, the sparkly stag invites you to hide behind his resplendent rack, like with the regal Rudolph.  
   Should've been a truck driver.  It's kinda like being in the Army, but you don't get to beat people up as much--only on holidays.