Friday, December 8, 2017

Coyote and Badger

   "Coyote and Badger"
   An innocent and loving woman is with child today.  A Queen of Peace.
   So, Mr. Coyote comes romping in, a bit clumsily, and Miss Badger is happy to see him.  The coyote doesn't try to bite her, for his father told him it was a bad idea.  And Mr. Coyote helps her get food.  Even though sometimes--he gets the food.
   Miss Badger knows--it's a fantastic friendship.  You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours, or however.  Two different types of non-cuddly creatures, both great in their own right, having a synergy of sublime survival.  What a wonderful day to be alive for Mr. Coyote and Miss Badger.