Saturday, January 27, 2018

Big Mac Jack

   "Big Mac Jack"
   Down yonder, deep in the deep-state of Williamson County, working with newsprint, like Mercury, on delivery, no winged sandals; next, saw many multicultural folk having a Big Mac Attack @ the drive-through--good for them.
   Boy, put some turmeric root, thyme, heavy salt; plus, pepper to activate the orange and soothing root; moreover, a garlic clove, and you'll have a super poop.  Too, nobody remembers the Cheeseburglar, yet a Happy Meal always goes good, especially if you ask the drive-through worker before your exodus:  "And, can I have ONE Hot Apple Pie?"
   What's wrong with a Big Mac if imbibed properly?  How can you tell Ronald McDonald apart from the others in a nudist camp?  No sesame seed buns.
   Counterpoise in diet, lathered in anti-inflammatory spice; also, the kiss of herb, and a prayer to God for the hungry.  Too, you can throw in a prayer for the cattle and pseudo-soy filler to Saint Francis--in a way.