Friday, January 19, 2018

Canis lupus arctos

   "Canis lupus arctos"
   Unyielding.  Eyes in Clint Eastwood/Solomon-instructed squint, facing the cold winds.  Relentless and platinum perfect.  Constructed for frozen tundra and beyond the treeline.  The coyote can adapt; however, the white wolf knows her geography, and guards it well.
   If you are the light and salt of the Earth, show them a Virgin, that Mirror of Justice, Tower of Ivory, Tower of David, as you already displayed to Her a Son tortured and murdered.  She is very nice; at the same time--She knows Her family, and will not be smeared or owned by any indoctrination, for She is the Queen of Heaven, and has many friends.
   Love, yes.  But even Jack Lambert knew he had to play defense.  What's wrong with freedom, and who is anybody to thieve it away?  Mama don't like that.  Her Son gave His Word, and no man should pervert it.  If you make an angel cry, well--there's always a big sister.