Sunday, January 28, 2018

Society is serving Kool-Aid

   "Society is serving Kool-Aid"
   Tucker Carlson is freaked, saying we used to make fun of these people.  Ronald Raygun said they're on the ground too--among us.  Choose a side, and choose wisely, knowing that vermin, save the wondrous coyote, will turn on you.  Know them by their fruits.  If they invoke death--they will get it, for what you sow is what you reap, and I'm not calling Yahshuah a liar.
   Judas Priest--the whole FBI is crooked.  What, mad cause Trump has more money and ladies than them?  And like they don't flog the bishop themselves--of course they do.
   When I lived in Little Rock, always thought Bigfoot was observing me in Socratic fashion.  I guess Lee Majors really freaked me out, and I'm not even bionic.  What would he go for now?  A 600 Million Dollar man?
   The King is in the Field--so a Hebrew calendar says.  Possibly.  Wouldn't it be a bitch if Christos was telling the Truth, and is the Truth, seated @ the Right Hand of ALL the Power in the Multiverse?  He may be a little disappointed in us.  Especially those that drive people to get upset by way of being selfish, selling horseshit, and attempting to indoctrinate.  Naughty naughty.
   Oh well, I guess if I would've done jello shots off a girl's tits, taken X, watched ANIMAL HOUSE a zillion times, and read CATCHER IN THE RYE but not liked it--I would be educated too.
   God Bless the oppressed.  Who the hell else will?