Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Cowboys and Indians
"Cowboys and Indians"
A guy told me: "Bon Jovi is no cowboy--dude is from New Jersey." I always kinda liked him; moreover, adored the Indians, especially Apache Chief on SUPERFRIENDS. The American Indian is forgotten, and he possesses some of the best cures. More than most of us, he and she deserve reverence. Their empirical accounts of wildlife transcends ALL in the Americas; plus, they have great hair and don't have furry wolfman beards. Always keep some turquoise around, as they most recently have instructed, and wisely.
Movies now are fashioned in the direction of bio-mechanical things, and the Amazon robot or man can enter your house upon deliveries. What the hell happened to Fonzie? Was all this shit going on when he flew through the airwaves?
Maybe the 1950's were just a bogus illusion, and people were actually nasty. Yet power seemed controlled then, as it is with the heavenly hue of burgundy.
Country Music needs more COUNTRY. More rednecks, not in party dresses and heels, but cut-offs and cowboy boots with hats and rhinestones--in my opinion.
And as for rock and roll in the 1980's--I always knew the news was Bravo Sierra, or that reporters are mostly lazy drunks, yet 80's rock proved trustworthy, in some cases.
And without Johnny Carson--there is no late night anymore. So some say. Me too.